Sunday, August 9, 2015

The week before 4th of July!

Bumpa, Grammy, and I headed south to Venice for 2 weeks!!! What great fun!
We stopped along the way down.

Had a quick stop for lunch.

 Maddie hung out at school til Friday and stayed with Nana and G!
Gammy and I chilled at the beach.  
A really tough job but someone had to do it!
 Floating in the Gulf os Mexico was one of my favorites!
 Maddie, Mommy and Daddy chilled week one but once the bog race was over that had to work then they were also heading south!
 We miss you all and can't wait to see you all!
 4th of July at Goddard Maddie's School!

 Maddie has her Red, White and Blue on!

 I'm having a little down time one afternoon after a busy morning in the sand and Gulf of Mexico!
 Ice Crea, with Great Bumpa and Aunt Krista! She flew in yesterday for the 4th weekend!

 Had to head to Sharky's one day for lunch!
Don't we look cool?!
 Check out my July 4th dress!
 After a great day at the beach!
Munson even celebrated with the neighbors!

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