Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fall Break! Disney here we come!

Daddy surprised me with the car painted and all!  So excited!
 Maddie stayed with Grammy and Bumpa while Mommy, Daddy and I set off to Disney!
We are here!
 Went to Downtown Disney the first night and was great! Now first full day to Hollywood Studios!

 Olaf welcomed us into the park! Class Act!!!
Sing Along with Anna and Elsa from Frozen!
 Waiting for the show to start!
Cars. . .
 Check these guys out!
 We even built a snowman! Just like in Frozen!
 So cool!
 We ran to Toy Story next and had a quick photo as the line went so fast!

 We cannot forgot our Maddie!  Having some pudding and watching a little Mickey Mouse!
Madelyn is checking up with Mickey Mouse too!

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